Friday, March 31, 2017

Health and Wellness

Health and wellness is a very important aspect in my life. I am an Occupational Therapist, and one of our main scopes of practice is to help individuals achieve health and wellness, for both overall well-being and a sense of life balance. My bullet journal helps me plan, organize, and review various aspects of my life that contribute to my health and wellness. My self-care trackers, monthly gratitude logs, mood mandalas, and yoga program spreads (scroll down to my previous posts to see examples of all of these!) allow me to have a greater grasp on my health and wellness. I have read a few articles online and watched a few videos relating to health and wellness, and I decided to incorporate the key points into my journal, which I can look back on when I feel like I need a greater grasp on my wellness. Here are some examples:

For the month of January, I decided to write a daily quote from Buddha under each daily log, as another source to contribute to keeping me grounded and present. Here is an example:

I did not do daily quotes for February or March, and as I was reviewing my journal today, I remembered how much I liked those daily quotes! I decided to incorporate quotes again into this month's daily logs. I have chosen to write down quotes from Thich Nhat Hanh for the month of April. Here's an example:

Quick side note -- Over the past two months, I have not been doing daily spreads, but instead have been trying various weekly spreads due to having a difficult time keeping up with a daily log. Here is an example of the design I have used for the past few weeks: 

I have really enjoyed this layout, and it is much easier and more accessible for me to fill out during my week. I was inspired by designs online, by Lauren, and by wanting to use my fresh set of Tombow Dual Brush Pens! I will post in a few minutes a picture of my new pens! Now I just have to figure out a way to include daily quotes into this tracker-- hopefully I can just squish them in!

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