Friday, March 31, 2017

Tombow Dual Brush Pens

Last post today! Sorry for the long-winded posts, I just have been slacking and wanted to update the blog. This post is all about my new Tombow Dual Brush Pens, which I love! When I first purchased them, I had a really hard time organizing them, and I wanted to figure out a good way to keep track of them. I even had a hard time deciding how to organize them in the holder! I found Tombow's color wheel online, and tried to organize the colors in my holder based on the color wheel. I also decided to re-create each pen's position in the holder onto a page in my bullet journal, which I can refer back to when I need to find a specific color. (If you scroll down to my Mood Mandala post, you'll notice that I write down the number of the specific Tombow I am using). I have found this page to be extremely helpful when using my new pens:

Health and Wellness

Health and wellness is a very important aspect in my life. I am an Occupational Therapist, and one of our main scopes of practice is to help individuals achieve health and wellness, for both overall well-being and a sense of life balance. My bullet journal helps me plan, organize, and review various aspects of my life that contribute to my health and wellness. My self-care trackers, monthly gratitude logs, mood mandalas, and yoga program spreads (scroll down to my previous posts to see examples of all of these!) allow me to have a greater grasp on my health and wellness. I have read a few articles online and watched a few videos relating to health and wellness, and I decided to incorporate the key points into my journal, which I can look back on when I feel like I need a greater grasp on my wellness. Here are some examples:

For the month of January, I decided to write a daily quote from Buddha under each daily log, as another source to contribute to keeping me grounded and present. Here is an example:

I did not do daily quotes for February or March, and as I was reviewing my journal today, I remembered how much I liked those daily quotes! I decided to incorporate quotes again into this month's daily logs. I have chosen to write down quotes from Thich Nhat Hanh for the month of April. Here's an example:

Quick side note -- Over the past two months, I have not been doing daily spreads, but instead have been trying various weekly spreads due to having a difficult time keeping up with a daily log. Here is an example of the design I have used for the past few weeks: 

I have really enjoyed this layout, and it is much easier and more accessible for me to fill out during my week. I was inspired by designs online, by Lauren, and by wanting to use my fresh set of Tombow Dual Brush Pens! I will post in a few minutes a picture of my new pens! Now I just have to figure out a way to include daily quotes into this tracker-- hopefully I can just squish them in!

Perfect Body Yoga Program

I have been practicing yoga for a few years now, and I really enjoy following Erin Motz from Bad Yogi ( I have completed her "Perfect Body Yoga Program, Tier 1" twice, and I am in the middle of the "Perfect Body Yoga Program, Tier 2" at the moment. The programs are eight weeks in duration, and consist of yoga videos, meditations, meal planning, weekly mantras, and becoming more confident in the body you already have. The tagline for the programs are, "The perfect body is the healthiest version of the body you already have." Each yoga video ends with, "I am perfect exactly as I am, and I'm exactly where I need to be." I decided to track my progress with these programs in my bullet journal, and here are the spreads I designed:

Time for Mood Mandalas!

I have absolutely loved doing monthly mood trackers for the past few months! My first two are COMPLETELY adapted from Kara on Boho Berry ( I utilized her printable mood mandalas as well as copied her designs on her YouTube videos. She is so talented, and I LOVE her creativity! I tried something different for the upcoming month of April, for which Lauren gave me this idea! This, I can say, I actually designed myself, and I am looking forward to fill in all the colors!

Self Care Tracker

Another type of page I complete monthly is a self care tracker. I have tried a few different styles, which are all adapted from pages I've seen online (mostly from Boho Berry -- Here are some examples from this year's spreads:

Bridesmaid Dress Shopping

My wedding is coming up this October, and I have found my bullet journal to be very helpful during wedding planning. The co-author of this blog, Lauren, is my sister, my maid of honor, and "BFOTB" (best friend of the bride-- from Gilmore Girls). She recently went bridesmaid dress shopping with me, including two of my other bridesmaids. I have five wonderful ladies standing by my side at my wedding, and I was hoping that each girl could have a different styled top to her dress. I decided to draw a little sketch of the different styles everybody will be wearing. The color will be a burgundy/marsala color.

Gratitude Log Quotes

Every month, I start a fresh gratitude log. I have found this helps keep me grounded, and I really enjoy taking the time every day to physically write down two things that I am grateful for. I also include monthly quotes at the bottom of my gratitude log, and here are some of my favorites: